
6色の虹色に装飾した「どこでもプライドセンター」号で全国を回り、LGBTQの社会的課題や「プライドセンター大阪」の存在や機能に関する情報発信をおこないます。主に関西周辺の大学を訪問し、学生や教職員等に向けた情報発信活動をおこないます。 その第8回目として、兵庫県立大学に訪問しました。
各自でのワーク後には、グループに分かれてその内容を共有するグループディスカッションの時間を設けました。 ワークショップには20名の方に参加いただきました。
今回のキャラバンは、大学が企画する「SOGI Month 2023」の一環として実施しました。SOGIカフェや連動講義による、学生や教職員に向けた様々な取り組みを通じて、LGBTQを含む性の多様性について理解を深め、考えるきっかけとして、私たちも呼んでいただけたことを大変嬉しく思います。
[Event Report] “Dokodemo” Pride Caravan at University of Hyogo
We would like to give you a report about our seventh ‘Dokodemo’ (meaning ‘anywhere’ in Japanese) Pride Caravan event that we held at the University of Hyogo, School of Human Science and Environment, on November 30th, 2023!
‘Dokodemo’ Pride Caravan is an outreach program of Pride Center Osaka. We aim to bring the services available at our center to everywhere in Japan.
Our ‘Dokodemo’ Pride Caravan that is decorated in 6 rainbow colors will travel across Japan to spread information regarding the social obstacles faced by the LGBTQ community and information regarding the Pride Center Osaka. We are going to visit universities in the Kansai region, and will spread information to students, faculty and staff. This time we visited the University of Hyogo.
We opened ‘Dokodemo’ Pride Center (on-site center) on campus. We brought books and display racks that we have at the Pride Center for people to feel like they are visiting our Pride Center! The Pride Center staff joined as well and had some conversations with the visitors and introduced what Pride Center Osaka is working on. 24 people dropped by the on-site center in total.
We began our film screening and seminar at 13:00 using a classroom. This time, we watched a documentary movie, “Keith Haring: Street Art Boy.” The documentary was made mainly through interviews with Keith Haring. After watching the movie, we held a brainstorming session to think about the movie and what each student and faculty member can do to make a comfortable environment for everyone on campus. Afterwards, we moved onto a discussion session to share ideas in groups. 20 people participated in our workshop.
After the film screening and lecture, students held a workshop in which they decorated pine cones to be used in advent calendars to be displayed on campus in preparation for Christmas. Participants created original decorations using paint, felt, and other materials. While working, the participants also talked about SOGI (sexual orientation, gender identity). The students designed this workshop, and they plan to make this a regular event.
This dokodemo caravan event was held as part of “SOGI Month 2023” planned by the university. We are very happy that we were invited to take part in the university’s effort on diversity to provide an opportunity to deepen participants understanding and think about sexual diversity, including LGBTQ matters, through various initiatives aimed at students and faculty, such as the SOGI Cafe and linked lectures.
Comments from event participants:
“I felt that `learning’ is important after all. I would like to think about how we, who are interested in this topic, can involve the students around us. Thank you!”
“There aren’t many opportunities for students to discuss SOGI and gender diversity with each other, so it was a good opportunity for me to talk about what I’ve been thinking about. I hope that both myself and people around me will continue to deepen our understanding.”
“Thank you for today. There are many things that only LGBTQ people know, so it was very meaningful and educational to have the opportunity to listen to their stories.”
Thank you very much to the participants!
The report of the ‘Dokodemo’ Pride Caravan was also broadcasted on the 65th episode of Eenchau radio (the podcast of Pride Center Osaka), so please give it a listen!
Further details of the next ‘Dokodemo’ Pride Caravan will be available on the Pride Center Osaka website. Students, faculty members, staff and anyone is welcome to participate in this event!
■About donation
We are able to participate and organize events like this thanks to your donations. To continue our efforts, we need your support! Donations made to Nijiiro Diversity are eligible for tax reduction in Japan. Please refer to this page for further details.