
Dokodemo Pride Caravan Event Report No. 3
2023年1月26日(木)に大阪経済法科大学 八尾駅前キャンパスで開催した「どこでもプライド・キャラバン」のレポートをお届けします!
We would like to give you a report about our third Dokodemo (meaning ‘anywhere’ in Japanese) Pride Caravan event that we held at the Osaka University of Economics and Law, Yao Campus on January 26, 2023!
「どこでもプライド・キャラバン」とは、「プライドセンター大阪」の機能を全国各地に届けるアウトリーチ・プロジェクトです。6色の虹色に装飾した「どこでもプライドセンター」号で全国を回り、LGBTQの社会的課題や「プライドセンター大阪」の存在や機能に関する情報発信を行います。今年度は、主に関西周辺の大学を訪問し、学生や教職員等に向けた情報発信活動をおこないます。先月に続き、第3回目として、大阪経済法科大学 八尾駅前キャンパスに訪問しました。
Dokodemo Pride Caravan is an outreach program of Pride Center Osaka. We aim to bring the services available at our center to everywhere in Japan. Our Dokodemo Pride Caravan that is decorated in 6 rainbow colors will travel across Japan to spread information regarding the social obstacles faced by the LGBTQ community and information regarding the Pride Center Osaka. This year, we are going to visit universities in the Kansai region, and will spread information to students, faculty and staff. This time we visited the Osaka University of Economics and Law, Yao Campus.
We displayed the Dokodemo Caravan at the university main entrance.
We prepared the venue, and started our event during the lunch break at the student plaza on the second floor.
We brought books and racks that we have at the Pride Center for people to feel like they are visiting our Pride Center.
With the presence of the Pride Center staff, we introduced the Pride Center Osaka at our table. Not only the students but also the professors and university staff also participated. A participant told us, “I am happy that my university is hosting an LGBTQ event. I hope the caravan project will be a success.” 18 people came to our table.
We distributed 200 fliers and promoted our event to students and staff in the first-floor entrance hall. Many people took our fliers. The university also advertised our event on the school bulletin board. Thank you for helping us with advertising this event.
From 4:20 p.m. we conducted an event in the Active Learning Hall on the fifth floor. Starting with the greeting from Professor Sugawara at the Osaka University of Economics and Law, we conducted a lecture on basic LGBTQ knowledge and introduced Pride Center Osaka and Dokodemo Pride Caravan. Afterwards, we screened a film called ‘Kalankoe no Hana’.
After the film screening, participants conducted group work and they shared opinions regarding the film. All groups had lively discussions. We also showed a message video that we received from Walt Disney Japan in support of the Pride Caravan project. Professor Sugawara from the Osaka University of Economics and Law gave closing remarks. 4 people participated this event.
Voices of the event participants:
“I had a great time learning about LGBTQ.”
“I watched an LGBTQ themed film for the first time. It gave me an opportunity to reflect on life. I want to become a person who can understand many different perspectives. Thank you for the event.”
“The film was very good.”
The next Dokodemo Pride Caravan will be held in April, 2023. The further details will be available on the Pride Center Osaka website. Students, faculty members, staff and anyone is welcome to participate in this event!
This project was possible thanks to the donation from Walt Disney Japan. We truly appreciate the support. We need your support and donation to continue our efforts. Donations to Nijiiro Diversity is eligible for tax exemption in Japan. Please check our donation page.