
(Please scroll down for the English version.)
特定非営利活動法人あそーとが運営する、居場所型の就労支援B型事業所「book and café cocoaru(ココアル)」さまより、ドリップバックをご提供いただき、会場に足を運んでくださった皆様にお配りしました。10周年を記念した素敵なデザインで製作してくださいました。ありがとうございます!
会場は、東京都港区にある「SHIBAURA HOUSE」です。全面ガラス張りの開放感のあるスペースで、装飾でプライドフラッグを掲げ、通勤途中などで外を歩いている方にもアピールすることができました。実際に通りすがりの方もイベントに参加してくださいました!
【Event Report】 Nijiiro Diversity 10 Year Anniversary Reporting Event
We would like to give you a report on our 10 year anniversary & reporting event! The event was held on Friday July 21st, and Wednesday July 26th, 2023.
Nijiiro Diversity celebrated the 10 year anniversary since its establishment as a legal nonprofit organization on July 26th, 2013.We hosted a reporting event in Osaka and Tokyo to share the history of our activities and thank those who have supported our work and to celebrate the 10th year together.The event in Osaka was held on Friday, July 21st. The event in Tokyo was held on Wednesday, July 26th.
First, we would like to report on the event in Osaka on Friday, July 21st. We held the event at Kawano Eki Hachikenya, which is located on the other side of the river from the Pride Center Osaka. We opened the Mobile Pride Center Osaka in front of the venue from 3 p.m. We had good luck with a clear blue sky. It seemed like the weather was also celebrating our 10th year.
Many people participated in our event. There were also people who randomly dropped in. It gave us a good opportunity to promote our Pride Center to people. 10 people also utilized the Mobile Pride Center.
Employment Support Office Type B and book and café cocoaru offered us drip coffee bags for the event. Book and café cocoaru is run by nonprofit organization ‘Assort’, and offers a safe space. We distributed the drip bags to the event participants. The drip bags were designed to celebrate Nijiiro Diversity’s 10th anniversary! Thank you!
We began the reporting event at 6 p.m. We started off with self-introductions by each of our full-time staff. Each staff member spoke about their responsibilities within the organization and what they like about working at Nijiiro Diversity.
Following the introduction, our director Muraki spoke about the history of our organization and our future prospects. It was very touching to look back on the past 10 years and share the moment with the people who have supported us.
Our guest speakers also gave speeches. Thank you for your kind messages. Our guest speakers were the following (in order of appearance):
The second part was a meet and greet session for the participants and staff. Everyone enjoyed conversations with each other. A total of 30 people participated in the event in Osaka.
At the end of the event, our director Muraki gave final remarks, and closed the event by cheering “Happy 10th anniversary!” all together with the participants and staff. You can listen to the audio on the Eenchau Radio podcast episode released on 30th July. Please check out our new episodes!
Next, we would like to tell you about the event we hosted in Tokyo on Wednesday, July 26th. The venue was SHIBAURA HOUSE, which is in Minato-ku. The glass walls created an open and spacious atmosphere. We decorated the venue with pride flags to appeal to people on the street, and it was effective! People dropped in with curiosity after seeing the rainbow decorations from the street.
We began the reporting event at 3:30 p.m. We began with self-introductions from each staff member. Each person spoke about their responsibilities and things they like about Nijiiro Diversity.
After that, Muraki spoke about our history and future prospects. It was really great to feel that we have supporters across the country and the world.
Our corporate partners, who were present at the event, also gave speeches. Our corporate guest speakers were the following (in order of appearance):
During the second half of the event there was a panel talk with the Pride Center Osaka corporate sponsors. The theme was “the significance of working together with social sectors.” The speakers talked about their company’s efforts with social sectors, information sharing about their LGBTQ policies to the public, and how to strengthen the cooperation between social sectors and business sectors. The speakers actively shared their insights. We thank those who participated in the discussion. The panel talk participants were the following (in order of appearance):
After the panel talk, we had a meet and greet for the participants. Staff also socialized with the participants. A total of 36 people participated in the event in Tokyo!
Below, we will introduce some of the feedback we received from the participant survey.
“Listening to the history of the past 10 years strengthened my wish to keep supporting your work. Even small support accumulates and helps to achieve something. I will continue to support your efforts!”
“I had a great time. The event had a welcoming atmosphere. Thank you!”
“Happy 10th anniversary! Many messages from your nonprofit and corporate partners show your organization’s strength. I wish you further success.”
“Happy 10th anniversary! I imagine the organization has gone through lots of difficulties. I felt empowered hearing that your organization has steadily made developments and has overcome challenges. I appreciated this opportunity to socialize with staff and other participants. I can see that an opportunity like this is a good learning chance for corporations that are uncertain about how to improve their DEI policies.”
Nijiiro Diversity has been able to continue our efforts thanks to the support from all of you. Thank you. This reporting event was the first since our anniversary event in 2019. We are very happy to celebrate our 10th year with many of our supporters. Thank you all for coming to the event despite the hot summer weather. We wish to continue and expand the circle of support and cooperation with our supporters and partners.