
今回のプライドセンター大阪 1周年記念キャンペーンでは、7回に分けてプライドセンター大阪にお越しいただいている皆様からのメッセージをご紹介いたします。
「LGBTQの情報が欲しかった」 (31.9%) や「LGBTQに関する本や資料」 (23.0%) という意見もたくさんあり、情報収集や図書館機能のニーズが高いことがわかります。
また、「誰かと話をしたかった」 (36.9%) という声も2番目に多く回答に上がりました。プライドセンター大阪のオープンスペースではミニ図書館の本を読んだりスタッフや他の利用者の方とお話ししたり、皆さん思い思いに過ごされています。また、デスクやフリーWi-FiもあるのでPCでの作業も快適です。
[Pride Center Osaka 1 Year Anniversary campaign] Messages from the Pride Center Osaka Users (5)
Thank you to the support from all of you, Pride Center Osaka, which was opened in April 2022, celebrates its 1 year anniversary! For Pride Center Osaka to become a safe place for more people, please become our supporters! We would really appreciate your support through monthly or single donations!
Pride Center Osaka is the first permanent LGBTQ center in Osaka. Our center has become a precious place for LGBTQ people, people around them, and people who wish to know more about LGBTQ equality. The purpose of visit to our center is diverse. There are users who come to enjoy chatting with other users and our friendly staff. There are students who come to study about LGBTQ equality. There are also heavy needs for our in-person and online counseling. Many people also simply stop by at our center to hang out and read books. For both users and staff, Pride Center Osaka is a place where we can be ourselves. Our center begins its second year, but our history is still only at the beginning. Please support the stable operation of our center through monthly or single donations.
In this Pride Center Osaka 1 Year Anniversary Campaign, we will introduce messages from the users every week during April and May.
This week, we would like to introduce this message!
“[Pride Center Osaka] gave me good encounters with both books and people!”
Thank you very much for your message!
Pride Center Osaka has a mini library, which has a wide selection of books, graphic novels and picturebooks related to LGBTQ. We do not do rentals but visitors are free to relax and read them during our opening hours. We have an information rack with brochures and flyers regarding LGBTQ related information and events. Book recommendation blogs by our staff is available on Pride Center Osaka website. Maybe you will have an encounter with your future favorite book at our center. Why don’t you come stop by to read a little?
The visitors come to Pride Center Osaka for various reasons. Many visitors answered on our user survey that “to get LGBTQ related information” (31.9%) and “books and resource regarding LGBTQ” (23.0%) as their motives of visit. We can see that many people utilize Pride Center Osaka to get information and and access to resources “I wanted to talk with someone” (36.9%) was the second most selected motive of the visit. At our open space, our visitors enjoy their time at Pride Center Osaka as they like. Many read books or chat with our staff and other visitors. We also have desks and free Wi-Fi for those who wish to work on their computers. We wish that you would also have good encounters with people and books at Pride Center Osaka!
Pride Center Osaka cannot continue its operation without your support. Please support us through donations. We accept monthly and single donations. Please refer to the link below.
You can also become a Pride Center Osaka monthly supporter. Please refer to our project on a crowdfunding website READYFOR.
Your donations will be used to costs that are essential to continue opening Pride Center Osaka such as rent, utilities and personnel cost for our staff. The donations made to Nijiiro Diversity and Pride Center Osaka is qualified for tax exemption in Japan. Please donate us and join our effort to support the LGBTQ community in Japan.